法国 阿尔卑斯山“雪山”水疗中心

● 国际资讯 植物客 暂无评论

 Courchevel滑雪度假村位于法国境内的阿尔卑斯山脉中部,这里地域辽阔,山势高低起伏。新建的水上运动中心设施完善,处于Courchevel 1650和Courchevel 1850之间,左右簇拥着两座山峰,前后则分别为山谷和壮丽的阿尔卑斯全景。绝佳的地理位置让建筑设计上的考虑从一开始便集中在如何让建筑和周围环境完美结合。

建筑与环境,building and the landscape

Aquamotion-Courchevel-Auer Weber-© Aldo Amoretti


Aquamotion-Courchevel-Auer Weber-© Aldo Amoretti

▽ 夜景,building nightview

Aquamotion-Courchevel-Auer Weber-© Aldo Amoretti

Aquamotion-Courchevel-Auer Weber-© Aldo Amoretti

▽ 屋顶的南向开窗,Additional openings in the roof

Aquamotion-Courchevel-Auer Weber-© Aldo Amoretti

▽ 建筑内部的光影,swimming hall flooded with natural light

012-Courchevel Aquatic Centre by Auer Weber


The façade toward the road is livened by the climbing wall on offer inside the building. Below, the lobby opens toward the swimming pools, welcoming the guests.

This universe contains a waterslide of over 30m, a looping wildwater slide of over 100m, a jumping basin, a lagoon, a swimming pool and an exterior pool.

In its centre, a paddling pool with a coloured shell welcomes the children. This pool is directly connected by a staircase to the well-being and relaxation area. Within this landscape, a lagoon extends to the exterior. Several features complete these baths: a dark cavern with a saltwater pool, a massage centre with a variety of services, and a cavity which opens towards saunas and Turkish baths, as well as a cold exterior pool. Each location features a unique and specific design.

On the same level to the north, a snack bar opens towards the surf basin. On the last floor, a 300 seat restaurant offers views of the mountains to the North.

An underground connection from the aquatic centre to the parking provides the maximum degree of comfort to the guests.

▽ 临街立面与大堂,entrance façade and lobby

Aquamotion-Courchevel-Auer Weber-© Aldo Amoretti

▽ 室内泳池,swimming halls

Aquamotion-Courchevel-Auer Weber-© Aldo Amoretti

Aquamotion-Courchevel-Auer Weber-© Aldo Amoretti

011-Courchevel Aquatic Centre by Auer Weber

▽ 室外泳池,cold exterior pool

007-Courchevel Aquatic Centre by Auer Weber

Aquamotion-Courchevel-Auer Weber-© Aldo Amoretti

▽ 总平面图,site plan


▽ 一层平面,ground floor


▽ 负一层平面,basement


▽ 二层平面,second floor


▽ 剖面,section


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