项目位于加里宁格勒地区的德语老城区中。原建筑被在二战期间被严重损坏。一座现代化地白兰地酒厂在铁路边上被建造起来。 我们的任务是将原有的白兰地存储仓库的场地中增加会客聚集的公共空间。这一举措象征着创造和重生,是对酒厂在城市生活中意义的重新诠释。
The building is located in Kaliningrad region in old German town which was seriously damaged during World War II. In an empty place adjacent to the railroad a modern plant of brandy production was built. Our task was a warehouse building project which apart from its main function – storing brandy tierces – would serve as a place of meetings and communication, guests reception as well as a symbol of creation and rebirth, demonstrating the role of the plant in the city life.
▼新的酿造博物馆及仓库象征着创造和重生,the museum is a symbol of creation and rebirth ©Image courtesy Gleb Leonov
根据任务书和场地的综合考虑, 我们创造了这个极具象征意义的建筑体量。
我们从白兰地生产中葡萄藤这个极具基督教意义(同时暗示了生命之树和葡萄酒)的意向出发, 决定让建筑形态根据一种具象的符号产生。表达了不同符号和意象的和谐的互动。符号之间偶尔互相对立,但通过创造一种稳定的对应,它们可以产生新的符号。
The applied while considering all the parts of the project has led us to creation of an extremely symbolical architectural ensemble.
Starting with the notion that the initial material brandy manufacturing deals with is a grapevine (a most mystical image in Christian symbols, embodying the sense of Tree of Life as well as Eucharist and Paradise (Holly Fire)) and wine (Divine Blood), — we decided to place the form under the authority of literary symbols, which are to create the images of harmonious interaction of various symbols and signs, sometimes opposite and antagonistic, but making stable pairs, giving rise to a new symbol.
▼建筑符号产生于葡萄藤的意向,the architectural symbol comes from grapevine, ©Image courtesy Gleb Leonov
内部与外部,男性与女性,高与低,关闭和开启,木和钢铁——以上只是一部分可能发生的对应, 我们利用这些对应关系指导了建筑形态。
矮小的木质仓库代表了大地是生命之母的意象——形象如同一个怀抱婴儿的母亲。仓库和大地有着紧密的关系。它根基于大地,屹立于大地, 同时保存从大地中生长开的其他作物。如同太极里的阴极,深邃,寒冷,低沉,内化。
Internal and external, male and female, low and high, closed and opened, wood and metal – here is just a short list of pairs, which we used in order to create shapes of the buildings.
A low wooden building, serving as a warehouse, embodies an image of Earth “giving birth to” – it is an image of a woman protecting and bearing. It is bound to the earth tightly, grows into it, grows from it and protects and preserves a birth in it. It is an Yin sign, deep, cool, low — internal.
▼ 仓库建筑象征大地之母,warehouse symbolizes earth ©Image courtesy Gleb Leonov
A high capacity made from metal is reaching for the sky and is associated to light, mind, external, male. It is slightly liable and mobile, opened (the capacity has simply been torn and burns like a candle at night).
▼ 博物馆建筑指向天空,和光,思想,外部,与男性有关,the museum is associated to light, mind, external, male ©Image courtesy Gleb Leonov
博物馆的底端演变成台阶, 如同一个三角形的几何符号被镶入了水平的元素组成的水塔中, 使用者不需要进入就能观察到仓库内部。同时,木制结构的一端亦延伸进水塔的体量中,交叉区域也形成了三角体。 两个体量的互动引起了它们内部和之间的新空间关系的产生。
The low part of the capacity is turning into a ladder, which as a triangle runs into the horizontal capacity, allowing visitors to examine the warehouse interior, without entering. At the same time a tail of the wooden block on the other side also gets into the corpus of the high capacity as a triangle. In this plexus they give birth to a space between and inside themselves, organizing the around space together.
Buildings have been designed basing on the same geometrical platform (by which they are connected to the cognac distillery main building and to the site geometry as well).
▼ 两个体量的互动引起了它们内部和之间的新空间关系的产生,the two blocks give birth to a space between and inside themselves ©Image courtesy Gleb Leonov
每一条水平或垂直的线条都是通过一个复杂的几何造型的系统产生的,系统本身决定了建筑的体量和形态。 建筑师在这个过程中仅仅参与使用功能的实现。
Each line both horizontal (according to the plan) and vertical (facades and sections) has been determined by a complicated geometrical scheme, which itself has formed the capacities of the buildings, and the architects appeared to be just tools of this structure, after it had been created by them.
▼ 一个复杂的几何系统决定了每一条水平或垂直的线条,each line has been determined by a complicated geometrical scheme ©Image courtesy Gleb Leonov
项目的第三个元素向标可以被看作是博物馆的起点, 它以一条线的形式引导游客进入博物馆。
The third object — a checkpoint, is the beginning — the gates to the following stage of the project — the creation of a park — a new line.
▼ 仓库内部空间,the interior of the warehouse ©Image courtesy Gleb Leonov
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