波恩大学校园开放空间,德国 / SINAI

● 国际资讯 植物客 暂无评论


A new urban quarter is being created, connecting the districts of Poppelsdorf, Endenich and Weststadt across an area of 12 hectares. But what kind of urban quality will it offer its future students?We envisage a lively mixed-use urban campus which nevertheless is characterised by gardens and green spaces – an attempt at a truly green urbanity.

▼项目鸟瞰,aerial view © Nikolai Benner


The gardening tradition of the Rhine region is closely linked with Poppelsdorf and the Bonn gardens. The new campus design picks up on these traditions.The campus as a “city in the garden”, where students can study and live together.

▼顶视图,(左侧)教学楼,(右侧)图书馆,top view,(left)teaching buildings,(right)library © Nikolai Benner

▼图书馆前广场鸟瞰,aerial view of library square © Nikolai Benner

▼不同绿植与座椅结合,combination of different green plants and seats © Nikolai Benner

▼细节,details © Nikolai Benner



The campus therefore derives its future identity from the site’s gardening tradition. It develops its own unique profile in competition with the surrounding locations. The Poppelsdorf campus is a multilayered complementary space in which areas of high density are interlaced with places of quiet concentration.

▼教学区鸟瞰,aerial view of teaching buildings © Nikolai Benner

▼庭院,garden © Nikolai Benner

▼不同材质的硬铺,pavement of different materials © Nikolai Benner

▼教学楼旁,停车与绿化结合,beside teaching buildings, parking and greening are combined © Nikolai Benner

▼人车分流,separation of pavement and cycle lanes © Nikolai Benner

▼细节,details © Nikolai Benner


The redevelopment of the area does not erase its gardening tradition, but consciously reactivates it and projects it into the future.

▼夜景,night view © Nikolai Benner

Project name: University campus open spaces Poppelsdorf
Completion Year: 2017
Design Area: 4,8 ha 
Project location: Bonn, GERMANY 
Landscape/Architecture Firm: SINAI Gesellschaft von Landschaftsarchitekten mbH
Website: https://sinai.de 
Contact e-mail: public@sinai.de 
Lead Architects: AW Faust 
Design Team: Frederike Müller, Ingmar Jorgowski 
Photo credits: Nikolai Benner 
Photographer’s website: https://nikolaibenner.de/

More:  SINAI     更多关于他们:SINAI on gooood


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